The Healing House

Acupuncture treatment for Ears

In the condition of nerve deafness, acupuncture treats nerve stimulation, and also effects main muscles of the head, neck, or throat. The aim of this therapy is to smoothen pressure and stress on major nerves passing through the upper neck to the ear as well as on blood vessels passing from the trunk throughneck to the initial areas of ear, Which boosts fluid transport and drainage from the inner ear, and facilitate nerve communication with the auditory receptors.
Tinnitus are related with other systemic disorders such as hypertension or to medications that you may be taking, so it should be reported to and assessed by your primary care provider

How Acupuncture Can Help NOSE BLOCK

Nasal congestion, or “stuffy nose,” is a term that refers to the impediment of the flow of air in and out from the nose. Nasal congestion usually is the outcome of inflammation and swelling in the lining tissues of the nasal passages and sinuses.
rarely, anatomical obstructions (for example, a deviated nasal septum, foreign bodies) can also lead to nasal congestion.
Nasal congestion or nasal block may or may not include a nasal discharge or “running nose.” In about 85% of cases, nasal congestion leads to mouth breathing rather than nasal breathing.
Nasal congestion or nasal block can effect hearing and speech ability. Specific congestion may effectin sleep, cause snoring, and can be associated with sleep apnea or upper airway resistance syndrome. In children, nasal congestion from enlarged adenoids has caused chronic sleep apnea with insufficient oxygen levels and hypoxia, as well as right-sided heart failure

How Acupuncture Can Help Headaches

The National Institutes of Health found acupuncture to be considerate in providing relief from tension and migraine headaches, along with a multitude of other conditions.
To help treat headaches, an acupuncturist will inject needles in various pressure points of body including your head and neck. The needles release endorphins and other hormones, stimulating the circulatory system—a part of what helps debilitate headache.
Headache patients are suggested to have six to eight weekly acupuncture sessions. The acupuncturist also suggest to change their diet plans which results relieve in headache.
There are many benefits in this ancient therapy, including potential relief from depression and anxiety. Some of the reasons to try acupunctureis to get proper relief from anxiety and depression.