The Healing House

Eye Common Condition


Poor eyesight hampers our daily lifestyle. Blind spots, vision, Reduced color vision, etc., are some of its samples that may further worsen the situation. Some severe conditions may even be the forerunner to loss of vision. Under any of the above-mentioned circumstances, a person must seek guidance from any Ophthalmologist.
Although modern technology provides various treatment options, Doctors are now researching the efficiency of Acupuncture for the treatment of several eye problems. Acupuncture is being recognized as an effective treatment option in several eye related issues. In particular, acupuncture is useful in alleviating the symptoms of dry eyes and also cures several types of optic nerve damage.
Factors that may cause Poor Vision:
Most of the studies done in this regard are merely indicative in nature. Henceforth, it is suggested that the studies be further corroborated with tests, and a combination of Acupuncture along with modern medicine may be used. Consult an experienced Acupuncture specialist and seek his opinion.